TEA talk at #BarclaysSpeaksIndia

This TEA has been brewing in my mind for sometime one, waiting for the right opportunity & the right audience to be served. Thanks to Akansha from Barclays and my Indian Navy Colleagues Ankur and Shri, I could serve TEA to an amazing and receptive audience at BarclaysSpeaks Pune, India
Now you might be wondering how can TEA be so powerful? Before we get there here is “The CRISIS”. Latest Linked in Survey clearly shows we are struggling with Work – Life- balance

It all boils down to how you use TEA.
I use TEA as metaphor and an anchor. Tea is so common among our culture and in our day to day world we talk about it sometime or the other. Now every-time you think Chai or tea I would like you to remember this TEA presented here
TEA has the potential to change your life. If you can use TEA wisely you can achieve 80% success in life. I want you to be happy, successful and productive living a fuller, richer life
What comes to mind when you think of time?
Oh I have to get back to work…
Or the limited time you have on a particular project
We all seem to be so short of it? Yes?
We are all so busy
And we think that the all in in solution is MULTITASKING
Multitasking is not the answer – you have enough data, information and science now which proves that multitasking is not the best way to do any deep work. What is deep work?
“Deep Work: Professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit”. Newport, Cal. Deep Work:
Why is deep work important ?
“In this new economy, three groups will have a particular advantage:
a)Those who can work well and creatively with intelligent machines,
b) Those who are the best at what they do
c) And those with access to capital” Newport, Cal. Deep Work:
Lets face the fact many of us are either in group one or two. We all want to be the best and get better . So if multitasking is not the answer what is?

i) Bruce lee sums it up very well- Do one Thing- Become the best at what you do- practice one kick 10,000 times and not 10,000 different kicks once
You may then find yourself asking – how do I choose that one thing to do and instead many things at once?
Use the Pareto’s 80/20 rule, Choose that one thing that gives you maximum benefits and results instead of doing 80 different things which only produce 20 percent of your results
ii) Create blocks of time where you are not distracted by a need to do too many things – block out this time, be ruthless and very very protective of your time
iii) Be present fully in the moment when you finally choose to do your one thing and have removed distractions. The biggest distractions are not those that come from outside . It is your own mind! So practice being present with the task at hand
After T comes E..
I dont think anyone needs any convincing about energy and how vital it is. I am using the movie Matrix as a lead into this
Remember how Morpheus holds up a battery and says – You are this!

And how do we end up being this? The machines find out that they dont need solar energy because humans are a perfect source of energy that they need to keep the world going. Now we may dismiss this as just a movie and nothing else, but then we have enough scientific data to back up this hollywood tale …

Science has proven that there is immense energy in space- As the great physicist Richard Feynman once described, in attempting to give some idea of this magnitude, the energy in a single cubic meter of space is enough to boil all the oceans of the world.12 McTaggart, Lynne. The Field Updated Ed:
Buddha the great scientist 2500 years ago found out that the body is nothing but vibrations made up of tiny particles called kalapa’s… Through Quantum physics we now know that we are made of very tiny particles with nothing but space in between. nothing but space – space is energy – vibrating, connected and everywhere. Jim Bolte Taylor puts it so well in her TED talk
If we are energy then we should know or learn how to transform and use this immense potential to our benefit and not just allow it to drain
The shift in our energy occurs by the thoughts we feed ourselves. If you feed your mind thoughts os limitation – of lethargy, of boredom you will reflect that energy. On the other hand if you can vibrate at higher frequencies you will be full of energy
So tips to shift and have more energy
- Believe and know that You are the source of energy
- Use your minds to be full of energy, not allowing the mind to use you!
- Use simple movement to change your energy state
3.The perfect TEA ends with ATTENTION
“Energy flows where attention goes.” James Redfield
So if energy flows where attention goes, where is your attention going?
A McKinsey study found that the average knowledge worker now spends more than 60 percent of the workweek engaged in electronic communication and Internet searching, with close to 30 percent of a worker’s time dedicated to reading and answering e-mail alone
79% of the people check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up
I can go on and on with where attention is going.
The question should be- Where should your attention go? If you want to be the best and do the best work your attention should be on yourself and the work you do, not the things that are your distractions
So what happens when you pay Attention
Whatever you pay attention to grows- this is well established in our lives. If you want to show love, care then the metric of measurement is the attention you give to that person in your life. Can you imagine showing love without showing attention?
With attention you will be able to connect to the realm of your super conscious mind which in turn is linked to the world mind where all ideas abound, where life is abundant, where the zero point field exists.
Imagine you are a stand alone laptop or PC. You have a set of programs and capabilities within you already and those are enough for you to operate at a level that you are operating. Maybe good, mediocre even
Now if you want to make quantum jumps you will need to master new things fast, you have to have connections to master minds and the capability to process information faster, more and utilise it.
In case of a laptop you then connect to the internet, or even a main frame – where loads of information – data- ideas exist .. You get to tap into that resource
So also, for you to access all this though the mind you have to cross the threshold of your own limiting thoughts and beliefs plus you have to be able to go beyond just the conditioned repetitive thought patterns that run in your minds 80% of the time. To do that you have to learn to pay attention.
There is one tool which i have used successfully and then found out that it is a gift to mankind
One Tool- Meditation
Tim Ferris the famous author who wrote Tools of Titans conducted numerous interviews with very successful people – Arnold, Jamie Fox, world class athletes & operation commanders etc – One of his finding – 80% of these super successful people meditate in one form or other –
Meditation not only helps you to sharpen your minds ability to pay attention it also helps you to reduce the mind chatter
To pay attention you need to mediate to keep your monkey mind engaged in a mundane activity – Look up a short video I made on meditation to help you begin the practice

The three elements together make the biggest impact. Energy Flows where our attention Goes. To pay attention you need time.
Say no to overthinking and yes to meditation
Say No to Multitasking yes to One Thing
Every-time you have TEA remember you are the source of energy
How you use TEA will define what you become and what can achieve. So how would you like to use it. You have to come up with your own right mix of these elements, you might not be able to use the same combination as another. Find out what works for you and use it
It is important to go within – pay attention and start living to your full potential and give back to the world what you are supposed to
May you be Happy, Peaceful and super productive