How Screen Time is Affecting the Mind

In the last 5 years something has changed drastically.
Here is a scene playing out in many of the families. The children are not studying. Attention span of everyone in the family is at the lowest possible when it comes to paying attention and giving time for each other. People have stopped talking to each other. You do not find Children playing outdoors any more. You see parents spending money for children to go out and play so that there is a strict regime. There are instances when kids are literally being dragged outside so that can play and be out. More young children with spectacles are seen around.
The above problems seem small. Statistics show more and more teenagers are feeling joyless, hopeless and despaired. You will find the suicide rates among teenagers are going up. There is more abuse going around. There is an absence of empathy for each other. Feelings of bonding with each other is seeming like a lost art
There are three important, inherent resources which each one of us posses. They play an important role in shaping our realities of life- TIME, ENERGY and ATTENTION. For you or anyone to achieve desired results if you cannot align these and focus on a given task, achieving any thing becomes next to impossible
There is one thing that is getting the maximum attention, it is being given the most time a person possibly can. The screen is getting all the Time, energy and attention. Research points to an average 4 to 5 hours being spent on screen outside of work requirements . Similarly young minds which are so malleable are spending an astounding 4-5 hours of screen time. Social media and video platforms are the sink holes because of which time spent on screen is increasing exponentially. The results are catastrophic
We are loosing our ability to connect, we are loosing our ability to do any focused work that leads to extraordinary results. We are unable to get out of the instant gratification mentality because of the speed at which we consume the content on screen. We want life in general to move at the same speed at which a video works.
Less or reduced Sleep leading to mental fatigue. We live in a fugue state unable to pay attention on day to day tasks. This is leading to accidents, loss of productivity, unable to sit and focus on studies and increased stress
Lack of human interaction leading to a feeling of unfulfilled relationships. This in turn leads to feeling unloved causing depression. Research shows that its not depression which causes more screen time. More Screen time is leading to depression. Why else is there an increased need for therapy and counselling?
The mind is one of the most amazing and intricate tool that we humans are blessed with. It comes with the ability to change- it is very plastic. Being Mindful is one of effective technique to detox the mind from screen addiction and bring it back to its healthy state. Few tips that can be easily implemented are
- Relocate the TV sets to private rooms where kids have no access. If possible get rid of the TV sets
- Decide on having one full day, in a week, free of any digital food. No screen time at all
- Reduce your screen time out of work to an hour or so.
- Invest time in some form of meditation where you are developing your mind to focus and make bright connections for new ideas. Mindfulness works wonders to reduce stress and make you happier
- Schedule and discipline yourself to spend face time with one another and not screen time
So, no all is not lost. You have time. A prompt action now can save you lots of headache, heartache and financial woes